Look at a coin from your pocket. On one side is "heads" - the symbol of the political authority which minted the coin; on the other side is "tails" - the precise specification of the amount the coin is worth as payment in exchange. One side reminds us that states underwrite currencies and the money is originally a relation between persons in society, a token perhaps. The other reveals the coin as a thing, capable of entering into definite relations with other things. . Keith Hart
About This Quote

The most important thing to remember is that money is not real. People use money as a medium of exchange because it allows them to buy things they need or want. Money does not have any intrinsic value, but rather, it is simply a thing that people use to buy things. This means that there are always two sides to every coin.

On the one side, you have the government, which is the authority who controls the money supply and can make or break your fortune. On the other side of the coin, you have yourself. You are the one holding the coin in your hand.

The government has no control over you but you can all too often control your life by using money.

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  1. Look at a coin from your pocket. On one side is "heads" - the symbol of the political authority which minted the coin; on the other side is "tails" - the precise specification of the amount the coin is worth as payment in exchange. One...

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